Tissue Culture Implementation


Arya Wira Wardhana/21025010035/A


The genetic improvement of wheat has traditionally been achieved through sexual hybridization between related species, resulting in numerous cultivars with high yields and superior agronomic performance. Conventional plant breeding, sometimes combined with classical cytogenetic techniques, continues to be the primary method of cereal crop improvement. Given the worldwide predominance of cereal grains in the human diet, cereal crops quickly emerged as prime targets for improvement by genetic transformation. Wheat genetic processing technology has progressed rapidly during the last decade. Initially, the genetic transformation of cereals was based on the introduction of DNA into protoplasts and subsequent callus production for the regeneration of fertile plants. The application and prospects of plant tissue culture and transformation technology in wheat for introducing resistance against fungal and viral diseases and abiotic constraints and improving nutritional quality are reviewed in this paper.

The maintenance of genetic diversity is essential in a breeding program to ensure sustainable production. Plant breeders have extensively leveraged genetic variation from different gene pools to improve genetic diversity. Hence there is a need to look for an alternative advanced and cost-effective strategy for genetic enrichment of the gene pool and allelic diversification to overcome the limitations of narrow and uniform genetic variations. As a strategy, integrating tissue culture techniques with plant biotechnology and breeding programs offers significant potential for increasing crop genetic diversity. Many years ago, these strategies were exploited to manipulate genetic variability and create genetic diversity to enrich the available genetic pool and make it desirable for a plant breeder to use for crop improvement, Plant tissue culture includes a culture of the cell protoplast, anther and microspore (immature pollen grain), ovary and ovules, and embryo, which features genetic and epigenetic variation in the breeding material. Such in vitro culture methods exploit all the available genetic variability and reduce the period of the breeding program to develop tolerant and resistant genotypes Primarily, plant tissue culture is used in vegetatively propagated crops and self-pollinated crops, especially with narrower genetic bases. As an example, being an autogamous crop, wheat potentially possesses a narrow genetic base as the chances of the natural generation of genetic variation are about 3–5% due to its rare outcrossing actions. Therefore, in vitro techniques can be a potential solution for manipulating the desired trait, enriching the genetic base, and recovering desirable variation

Physical and chemical mutagens, epigenetic agents such as DNA demethylases, and histone deacetylase inhibitors, in combination with in vitro techniques, are most frequently used for genetic rearrangement and epigenetic reprogramming through the induction of mutations, DNA and histone methylation, and histone acetylation Likewise, the advanced genome editing approach, along with plant tissue culture and Agrobacterium transformation, has emerged as the most promising alternative for the genetic manipulation of traits of interest CRISPR/Cas9 nuclease-mediated genome editing can precisely edit genes or any part of the plant genome to improve critical agronomic traits. However, traditional wheat breeding can achieve the same goal, but it can take up to 7–10 years compared to seeing the benefits of CRISPR technology in considerably less time In this regard, breeding new wheat varieties to cope with biotic and abiotic stresses represents one of the breeders’ significant challenges. For decades, breeding strategies have included selection, hybridization, mutation induction using chemical and physical agents, and somaclonal variation


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