Arya Wira Wardhana / 21025010035


Organogenesis is the process of forming cells, tissues or callus into buds and complete plants. Organogenesis is triggered by the presence of several components such as medium, endogenous components during explants in culture. Organogenesis can be grown from seeds, leaves or other plant parts so that it can develop into a perfect plant. Media is a determining factor in callus growth in tissue culture. Media contains nutrients that are usually needed by growing cells and are widely used, especially in the field of tissue culture. Media introduced by E. Vacin and F. Went since 1949 contains a number of inorganic nutrients, carbon sources, vitamins, growth regulators and organic supplements to meet the physiological needs of plant cells in tissue culture.

Thus, in vitro propagation (micropropagation) is an alternative method that can be applied to obtain pathogen-free plants and allows it to be carried out on a large scale in a relatively short time, so it is more effective for the rapid multiplication of plant species. The addition of exogenous growth regulators is commonly used in plant tissue culture to increase the production of secondary metabolites and biomass. The response to plant growth regulators depends on the type of explant tissues and plant species. For example, auxin is very ideal for callus induction (indirect organogenesis) and a low concentration of cytokinin can promote shoot differentiation from callus (Mayerni, 2020; Nakasha et al., 2016; Saha et al., 2020). Several previous studies indicated that the production of true-totype Acehnese patchouli was initiated by regeneration through indirect organogenesis with growth regulators, by adding various concentrations of Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA) as auxin and 6-BenzylAmino Purine (BAP) as cytokinin in solid Murashige-Skoog (MS) medium. Then, Acehnese patchouli shoot explants from callus were transferred to MS medium for rooting induction with the addition of Indole-3-Butyric Acid (IBA) and NAA as auxin, also full strength and half-strength MS medium without auxin. IBA is an auxin used to initiate callus and somatic embryogenesis stimulants, but in a lesser extent

There are two types of organogenesis, i.e direct and indirect organogenesis. Growth of in vitro plant cells through callus formation by utilizing various types of tissues sources as explants is indirect organogenesis, while direct organogenesis is in vitro approach without the callus stage (Lalthafamkimi et al., 2021). This study aims to find out the most appropriate media for growing callus and root of Acehnese patchouli through indirect and direct organogenesis, respectively.

Sources :

Florenika, N., Wijaya, A. N., Restanto, D. P., & Hardjo, P. H. (2022). Regeneration of Pogostemon cablin Benth.‘Sidikalang’through Indirect Organogenesis and Shoot Multiplication for Production of True-to-Type Plant.

Nisa, N. A. (2021). Peranan BAP dan Air Kelapa pada Medium VW Terhadap Organogenesis Dendrobium sp.


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In Vitro Propagation