Advances in Biotechnology from Era to Era

Advances in Biotechnology from Era to Era

In fact, the world has advanced greatly due to the third RI, also referred to as the digital revolution. In this stage, the world gained the internet with rapid interconnectivity. It was unthinkable before that we could explore the virtual world using computers. In addition, we can now see various automations happening in factories that mass-produce goods, massive amounts of data in every part of an organization which is now known as big data͟ , and organized logistics well. This is possible because the scope of automation can be increased following Moore's Law - an observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years. In addition to the environmental damage caused by modern agriculture, advances in automation have also led to the "green revolution." Moore's Law generally refers directly to the electronic circuits that are the basic technology of this era. It has the broader implication that output can grow as an exponential function of input. Moore's Law has resulted in ever-greater computing power that allows for the automation of even very complex processes. In some fields, such as biotechnology, the pace of innovation has even surpassed Moore's Law. Take an example: Due to biotechnology innovation, the cost of genome sequencing has fallen from USD 100,000 in 2001 to USD 5,000 in 2010, and is now only USD 1,400. Moore also introduced the theory of "Crossing the chasm͟ (Crossing the chasm). This concept recognizes the gap between the early adopters of new technologies and the early majority as later adopters. This chasm is most easily bridged by continuous innovation that can minimize disruption. towards consumers. 

The fourth RI builds on the third RI, with transformation features that differ from previous revolutions. The fourth RI even became the main focus of debate at the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting on January 2013 in Davos, Switzerland. There are at least three things that distinguish the fourth RI from the previous RI. These three things are the reasons why the current transformation is not an extension of the digital revolution, but rather a new transformation revolution. First, innovation can be developed and spread much faster than before. The speed of new breakthroughs in this era occurs on an exponential scale and no longer on a linear scale. Second, the decline in marginal production costs and the emergence of platforms that can unify and concentrate several scientific fields have proven to increase work output. This transformation has resulted in changes in Third, this global revolution will have a major impact and take shape in almost all countries of the world, where the scope of this transformation occurs in every field of industry, and will even have a comprehensive impact on the system level in many places. Third, this global revolution will have a profound effect and take shape in almost every country in the world, where the scope of this transformation occurs in every industrial field, and will even have a comprehensive impact on the system level in many places.

As a result, the fourth RI has the potential to empower individuals and communities, as it can create new opportunities for economic, social and personal development. But it can also lead to the exclusion and marginalization of some groups, exacerbate social inequalities, create new security risks, and can damage human relationships. If we are to seize the opportunity and avoid the pitfalls of this fourth RI, we must consider the questions it raises carefully. We must rethink ideas about economic and social development, value creation, privacy and ownership, and even individual identity. A good example is a recently developed technology called the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) / CRISPRassociated protein (Cas) 9 system, which has come a long way in just a very short time, described elsewhere in this paper. These genome editing technologies can be applied to synthetic biology, functional genome screening, transcriptional modulation and gene therapy. Of course, technology is not a separate great power that we cannot control. We are not limited by the basic choice between acceptance or rejection. Rather, every decision we make every day as citizens, consumers and investors advances technology. The more we think about those decisions, the more we question the current social model, the better our chances of shaping a transformation that enables us to achieve our common goals and uphold basic human values. Moreover, the advances achieved by new technologies in artificial intelligence, big data, robotics, the internet, driverless cars, drones, 3-D printing, nanotechnology, biotechnology, materials science, energy storage and quantum computing are all aimed at the well-being of humanity. In this regard, the implementation of artificial intelligence is already very widespread around us, ranging from games, drones, flight cockpit tools to software that helps our daily lives.

Technology Developed in the Field of Biotechnology in the Current Era

As discussed earlier, the fourth RI has also had a major impact on the biotechnology industry, especially health biotechnology. The use of biotechnology in the medicine and pharmaceutical industry is the most influential development in the world of technology in the 21st century. In the quest to understand biology, eradicate disease and maintain health and vigor, biotechnology has reached a very high level in the quest to discover the secrets of life and manipulate life. To achieve what biotechnology promises in the pharmaceutical industry, tools are needed for the identification of molecular structures, the creation of active molecules and the development of novel and comprehensive therapies such as immunotherapy, cellular therapy and organisms with genetically engineered cells. However, a large amount of data and information alone is not enough to derive new molecular entities and new therapeutics, as synthesizing millions of compounds will still not fill the world of potential molecular structures nor will it allow the identification of specific three-dimensional structures that interact with the target.

Technology in the Field of Biotechnology:

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR) / CRISPRassociated protein (Cas) 9 system. The development of an efficient and reliable way to make precisely targeted changes to the genomes of living cells is a long-standing goal for biomedical researchers. The CRISPR/Cas9 system has developed rapidly in just a very short period of time and has been used for a variety of important target genes in a wide range of cells and organisms, including humans, bacteria, zebrafish, C. elegans worms, plants, Xenopus tropicalis, yeast, Drosophila flies, monkeys, rabbits, pigs, mice and mice. Some researchers have used this method to create point mutations (deletions or insertions) in specific target genes, through a single gRNA. An exciting recent development is the use of the dCas9 version of the CRISPR/Cas9 system in targeting protein domains for transcriptional regulation, epigenetic modification, and microscopic visualization of specific genomic loci. These genome editing and targeting tools have greatly enhanced our ability to explore disease pathogenesis and correct disease mutations and phenotypes. With short RNA guidance, Cas9 can be precisely directed to target specific areas of DNA, and functions as an efficient endonuclease enzyme to produce cuts in double-stranded DNA. In the past 20 years, CRISPR has evolved from a DNA sequencing tool with unknown biological function to a highly promising genome editor that has been successfully used in experiments using various cells and organisms. This genome editing technology can also be applied to synthetic biology, functional genome screening, transcriptional modulation and gene therapy

Examples of Application of Biotechnology in Agriculture

Currently, biofertilizer production technology has advanced in line with the development of research in the field of molecular biology. Advances in biotechnology not only facilitate the inoculation process and the preparation of biofertilizer formulations, but also facilitate the identification and characterization of types of microorganisms that show high effectiveness as biofertilizers. How the role of biotechnology in the process of making biofertilizers will be discussed further in this paper. A literature review was conducted to gather facts that biotechnology has contributed greatly to the production of biofertilizers. Biofertilizer production technology shows rapid development in line with the development of science and technology in the fields of biology, statistics, chemistry and other related sciences. The production of biofertilizers can be done simply by taking soil that has been inoculated with biofertilizers, for example legin in peanut plants, and then applying it to new crop land for legume crops or with sophisticated technology to identify, isolate certain superior microorganisms and make a mixed formulation of various types of microorganisms that are able to produce nutrients directly or indirectly for plant growth.

In the diagram above, it can be seen that the key to successful biofertilizer production lies in the identification and characterization of superior and commercial microorganisms when formulated as biofertilizers. With advances in biotechnology, identification and characterization can be carried out to the molecular level so that the accuracy of the information obtained is guaranteed. As is known, studies at the molecular level cause data bias and information from phenotypic observations can be avoided because the influence of the environment is very small. Identified species can be conclusively proven to be superior. With biotechnology, it is also possible to know the kinship of each type found and the level of compatibility of various types of existing microorganisms so that when combined in a certain formulation it will produce an optimal performance effect.
Advances in the field of biotechnology have led to the identification and characterization of superior microorganisms, kinship relationships and the level of microorganism compatibility can be done molecularly so that more accurate information is obtained. Formulated microorganism products can be composed of various types of competent microorganisms so as to provide more optimal biofertilizers. Biofertilizers have an important role in improving soil fertility, can improve soil health, spur plant growth and increase crop production. Biofertilizer residues in soil and crops are safe for human health.

Sources : 
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