
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2023


  NAMA : ARYA WIRA WARDHANA NPM : 21025010035 KELAS : A025 MATA KULIAH : BIOTEKNOLOGI   Protoplast Fusion Enzymatic isolation is advantageous because protoplasts are gained at a high quantity, cells are not damaged and the osmotic conditions may be influenced. Enzymatic isolation may be carried out in two different procedures: two-step or one-step procedure. In the first step of the two-step procedure, individual cells are released with the help of commercial enzymatic preparations (e.g. macerozyme, macerase). The cells are released by degradation of the middle lamellas and the decay of tissue to individual cells. The free cells are then processed in the second step with the help of cellulases (cellulase Onozuka R-10, cellulysin) to protoplasts by dissolving the cell wall. The cells are exposed to the enzymes for a shorter time than at one-step isolation. One-step isolation is used more often, during which the mechanically loosened tissue (e.g. by cutting strips) is put into


  NAMA : ARYA WIRA WARDHANA NPM : 21025010035 KELAS : A025 MATA KULIAH : BIOTEKNOLOGI   SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the process by which somatic cells, under conditions suitable for induction, generate embryogenic cells, which go through a series of morphological and biochemical changes that result in the production of a bipolar structure without vascular connection with the original tissue (Solis Ramos et al.  2012 ). SE with a low frequency of chimeras, a high number of regenerants, and a limited level of somaclonal  variation is more attractive than organogenesis as a plant regeneration system (e.g., in genetic transformation, in vitro mutagenesis, and selection). Somatic embryos are formed from plant cells that are not normally involved in the develop-ment of (zygotic) embryos, i.e., ordinary plant tissue. No endosperm or seed coat is formed around a somatic embryo. Applications of this process include clonal propagation of genetically uniform plan

Questions of Database Concept

  NAMA : ARYA WIRA WARDHANA NPM : 21025010035 KELAS : A025 MATA KULIAH : SIG   SOAL: 1. Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang Pangakalan Data Pertanian (maksimal 30 kata) 2. Deskripsikan tentang Database dan SQL (maksimal 30 kata) 3. Deskripsikan entitas data primer untuk SIG bidang Pertanian Lahan Basah dan lahan Kering? (maksimal 30 kata) JAWABAN : 1.      Merupakan kumpulan file yang memiliki kaitan antara file satu dengan yang lain hingga membentuk satu bangunan data yang hasilnya akan menginformasikan suatu wilayah dan Batasan dalam bidang pertanian 2.      Database merupakan kumpulan data yang dikelola sedemikian rupa berdassar ketentuan tertentu yang saling berhubungan sehingga mudah mengelolanya, SQL sendiri merupakan suatu Bahasa query dasar dalam pengelolaan data base 3.      Entitas data primer SIG dapat memberikan informasi informasi yang dibutuhkan dalam bidang pertanian. Seperti informasi mengenai lahan kering dan lahan basah yang nantinya bisa digunaka


 Arya Wira Wardhana / 21025010035 ORGANOGENESIS IN PLANTS Organogenesis is the process of forming cells, tissues or callus into buds and complete plants. Organogenesis is triggered by the presence of several components such as medium, endogenous components during explants in culture. Organogenesis can be grown from seeds, leaves or other plant parts so that it can develop into a perfect plant. Media is a determining factor in callus growth in tissue culture. Media contains nutrients that are usually needed by growing cells and are widely used, especially in the field of tissue culture. Media introduced by E. Vacin and F. Went since 1949 contains a number of inorganic nutrients, carbon sources, vitamins, growth regulators and organic supplements to meet the physiological needs of plant cells in tissue culture. Thus, in vitro propagation (micropropagation) is an alternative method that can be applied to obtain pathogen-free plants and allows it to be carried out on a large scale in a rel

In Vitro Propagation

 Arya Wira Wardhana / 21025010035 In Vitro Propagation of Date Palms (Phoenix dactylifera L.) The high consumption of date fruit has led to the cultivation of tropical dates in Indonesia since the last decade (Rahmadani et al., 2017). Date entrepreneurs hope that Indonesia can become a tropical date fruit producing country in the future, in addition to Thailand which has become a pioneer of tropical date cultivation in Southeast Asia (Apriyanti et al., 2016). The tropical dates cultivated in Thailand are KL-1 breeding results from the parent cultivars Degleet Nour and Barhee conducted by researchers at Maejo University (Apriyanti et al., 2016), while in Indonesia, date farms such as Jonggol Farm Bogor use tissue culture seeds originating from the UK. Until now, there is no laboratory in Indonesia capable of providing commercial-scale date palm tissue culture seeds. Tissue culture seeds are clonal or the same as the parent plant. Tissue culture seeds are produced through in vitro propag

Database Management System Questions

  NAMA : ARYA WIRA WARDHANA NPM : 21025010035 KELAS : A025   Pertanyaan 1.      Deskripsikan tentang komponen SIG (maksimal 20 kata) 2.      Deskripsokan tentang Remote Sensing (maksimal 20 kata) 3.      Apa yang saudara ketahui tentang Pangakalan Data (maksimal 30 kata) 4.      Apa persyaratan seorang Data Base Administrator untuk SIG bidang Pertanian (maksimal 30 kata) Jawab : 1. SIG merupakan system kompleks yang biasanya erintegrasi dengan lingkungan  system system computer yang lain di tingkat fungsional dan jaringan. SIG terdiri dari perangkat keras, perangkat lunak, data dan informasi geografi, serta manajemen 2. Penggunaan data penginderaan jauh dan SIG dalam ekstraksi informasi mengenai keruangan dan kewilayahan dapat digunakan untuk pengkajian wilayah secara menyeluruh dalam hubungannya dengan sumberdaya air.   3.   Pangkalan data menurut saya adalah suatu kumpulan file yang memiliki kaitan antara file satu dengan file yang lain hingga membentuk satu banguna

Advances in Biotechnology from Era to Era

Advances in Biotechnology from Era to Era In fact, the world has advanced greatly due to the third RI, also referred to as the digital revolution. In this stage, the world gained the internet with rapid interconnectivity. It was unthinkable before that we could explore the virtual world using computers. In addition, we can now see various automations happening in factories that mass-produce goods, massive amounts of data in every part of an organization which is now known as big data͟ , and organized logistics well. This is possible because the scope of automation can be increased following Moore's Law - an observation that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit doubles every two years. In addition to the environmental damage caused by modern agriculture, advances in automation have also led to the "green revolution." Moore's Law generally refers directly to the electronic circuits that are the basic technology of this era. It has the broader