

  Nama : Arya Wira Wardhana NPM : 21025010035 Class : A   Biomarker Plants endure various unfavorable climatic conditions during their growth cycle. Such conditions consist of biotic stresses, including attack by herbivores and infection by pathogens, and abiotic stresses, including heat and cold, drought, nutrient scarcity, higher salt levels, and harmful metals and metalloids (arsenic, cadmium, and aluminum) in the soil. Temperature (heat or frost), drought and salt are the main and most commonly encountered climatic factors that reduce agricultural yields. These impacts are a dangerous sign for food security and also affect the geographical distribution of plants in nature. Climate change, i.e. long-term changes in weather patterns, is a significant source of abiotic stress. The plant's constitutive basal defense system is triggered upon introduction of stress. Several signaling pathways are activated differently depending on the type of stress. Typical defense pathway

Transformation gen for Agroculture

Nama : Arya Wira Wardhana NPM : 21025010035 Class : A   Transformation gen for agriculture Genetic Transformation Process, Several stages are carried out in the process of genetic transformation, including: transgene insertion, transgene integration into the plant genome, and expression of transgenes integrated in the genome. The transgene insertion stage requires a method so that the transgene can be inserted into plant cells. When the transgene has entered the plant cell, it is necessary to ensure that the transgene must be completely integrated into the plant genome. Next, the integrated transgene will be co-expressed with the plant gene expression. At that stage, the transcribed DNA will become RNA and the protein encoded by the gene will be formed through the translation process. If a gene is successfully transcribed and translated, it can be said that the gene has functioned. There are several ways to perform the insertion method including. Microprojectile bombardment.

Cloning and DNA Recombination In Biotechnology

Nama : Arya Wira Wardhana Npm : 21025010035 Class : A Cloning and DNA Recombination Once it was known that DNA molecules are genetic material that determines the properties of an organism, and that bacterial cells can spontaneously accept foreign DNA, several researchers immediately conducted research to manipulate the genetic properties of several types of cells. Various studies have been conducted to insert foreign DNA into bacterial cells, fungal cells, plant cells and animal cells. However, in the first stage of the manipulation many experienced failure. This is because only a few species of bacteria can spontaneously accept DNA. In addition, foreign DNA that has successfully entered the cell can only survive if it can replicate autonomously, or can be integrated into the host chromosome. Generally, foreign DNA that enters the chromosomal DNA will be immediately degraded by nuclease enzymes contained in the host cell. (Radji, M., 2011) Genetic modification of a new organism can b

Principle of Genetic Engineering

Nama : Arya Wira Wardhana NPM : 21025010035 Class : A Principle of Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering is the use of molecular biology technology to modify DNA sequence(s) in genomes, using a variety of approaches. For example, homologous recombination can be used to target specific sequences in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell genomes or other cultured cells, but it is cumbersome, poorly efficient, and relies on drug positive/negative selection in cell culture for success. Other routinely applied methods include random integration of DNA after direct transfection (microinjection), transposon-mediated DNA insertion, or DNA insertion mediated by viral vectors for the production of transgenic mice and rats. Random integration of DNA occurs more frequently than homologous recombination, but has numerous drawbacks, despite its efficiency. The most elegant and effective method is technology based on guided endonucleases, because these can target specific DNA sequences. Since the advent of cluste

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Tissue Culture Implementation

  Arya Wira Wardhana/21025010035/A Biooteknologi The genetic improvement of wheat has traditionally been achieved through sexual hybridization between related species, resulting in numerous cultivars with high yields and superior agronomic performance. Conventional plant breeding, sometimes combined with classical cytogenetic techniques, continues to be the primary method of cereal crop improvement. Given the worldwide predominance of cereal grains in the human diet, cereal crops quickly emerged as prime targets for improvement by genetic transformation. Wheat genetic processing technology has progressed rapidly during the last decade. Initially, the genetic transformation of cereals was based on the introduction of DNA into protoplasts and subsequent callus production for the regeneration of fertile plants. The application and prospects of plant tissue culture and transformation technology in wheat for introducing resistance against fungal and viral diseases and abiotic constraint

Struktur Data SIG

Nama : Arya Wira Wardhana NPM : 21025010035 Kelas : A025 Mata Kuliah : Sistem Informasi Geografis Tugas Struktur Data 1. Lihat video animasi database, apa yang sudara fahami ? (maksimal 30 kata) 2. Lihat video animasi tabel kolom dan tipe data, apa yang sudara fahami (maksimal 30 kata) 3. Lihat video animasi UAS & GIS mapping, apa yang saudara fahami (maksimal 30 kata) Jawab : 1. Database merupakan tempat menyimpan sekumpulan data secara terstruktur, yang mana struktur tersebut berisi tentang basis data yang terhubung secara ketat. Hal itu diterapkan dengan menentukan tabel dengan format isi atau ketentuan yang diinginkan. 2.  Struktur database adalah bentuk kolom, jadi setiap data yang masuk akan dimasukkan pada kolom kolom sesuai dengan bagiannya masing masing, nama masuk pada kolom nama, dll. Tipe data mempunyai banyak macam, contohnya bahasa SQL untuk dapat membaca data data yang sudah ada 3. UAV atau unmanned Aerial Vehicle merupakan pesawat nirawak yang berguna dalam menampil